Customize the Form Layout

Who can use this feature?

👤  Available on all plans.

Stacker allows you to customize the create form for each table in your app, you can control how your users submit new records. You can also include various static widgets: fields, banners, text, and callouts. 


Access Create Layout

  1. Go to  Manage fields and Data
  2. Click Layout
  3. In the row with Create click Edit
  4. Select Customize your create layout
  5. Select widgets to add to your layout
  6. Click on the widget until a blue highlight appears to edit


Edit Create Layout

  • Toggle on/off fields that you want your users to have access to when they create a new record
  • Reorder the fields by clicking and dragging them.
  • Change the name by clicking the title of the form while in  Edit Layout.
  • Open up the settings for a specific field by hovering your mouse over it in the menu and clicking the pencil icon.
    • This will allow you to edit/hide the label
    • Add a description or make it a required field (users cannot submit the form unless a value is provided for that field).
    • Set a default value to prefill fields
    • Add placeholder texts
    • Allow quick copy which will put a little icon next to the field allowing a user to hover over text and copy this to a clipboard.


Advanced form settings

Stacker also allows you to create the appearance of a multi-step form and collect different information from users depending on who they are, or their answers to previous questions.

Check out how to do this here.

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