Created By Field

Who can use this feature?

👤  Available on all plans


The Created By field automatically fills in the user who created the record. It is useful when you want to automatically link new records to the users who created them, or when you need to know who created a record. A Created by field can be used in linked fields or text fields. 

Before using the Created By field feature, you'll need to connect a User table.

Created By Field for linking users

You will need a linked field to your user's table to use this method. 

  1. Click  Manage Fields and data
  2. Select Settings
  3. On the row Set Created By Field, select Expand
  4. Select the field linked to the user's table
  5. Select Set to the current user


The field selected will populate with the current user's Primary Field. 

Created by Field for text fields

You can use fields that are not linked to show information about the creator of the record

  1. Click Manage fields and data
  2. Select Settings
  3. On the row Set Created By Field, select Expand
  4. Select the field to use as Created by Field
  5. Select Set to current user's
  6. Select the field from the Users table you want to display


Testing the Created By field

To test that the Created By field works:
  1. Preview as a user that is in your Users table.
  2. Go to the Create form.
  3. If the Created By field works, it will fill the field with the user's record.
After you've verified that the feature works, you do not have to show the field on the form—it will continue working even if the field is not visible. 


  • Make sure that your user has permission to read and update the Created By field on both the Users table and the destination table