Stacker Tables: Creating a new table

Who can use this feature?

👤  Available on all plans.

With Stacker Tables you can have your data directly in Stacker. You will be able to create, edit and manage your data without needing another app to host your data. 

Create a table

  1. Go to   Manage fields and data
  2. Click Add new table
  3. Choose a relevant name for your table
  4. Click Create table

Your new table will come with some default fields. You can add additional tables by clicking + next to the first tablestacker_tables.gif

Rename a table

To rename a table click the title of the table and type desired table name. This only changes the developer name of the table and not the layout name. 

table name change.gif

Related articles

Editing and Deleting tables Editing field names and types

Adding new fields

Stacker Tables: Pasting Data