Who can use this feature?
👤 Available on Plus plan and above.
The Activity tab can be enabled on each record Detail Layout where your users can leave comments about the record, @mention other users and like comments from others.
Enable Activity in Detail layout
- Click a record in your List layout
- Click Edit Layout
- Click Tabs
- Toggle on Activity
- Rename the tab using the Pencil Icon
Mentions and Notifications
Users can @mention each other by typing the @ symbol and the first letter of the recipients name and selecting the name in the dropdown. This will trigger a notification to the mentioned user.
The user will receive an email notification when they log into the app, they will also see a notification bell. Clicking on the bell will take the user to the correct comment.
Turn off notifications
- Click App Settings
- Click General
- Expand Comments & Notifications
- Uncheck the boxes and click save
You can opt to receive notifications when anyone posts on a particular record by toggling the Follow option to the right of the Activity tab.
Whenever you make comment on a record, this toggle will automatically be enabled. You can turn it off if you do not want to receive notifications of new activity on this record.
There isn't a way to automatically follow a comment. Vote for the feature here.
Users can like a comment. Any likes will show up in the notification bell only.
There are some limitations on what the activity tab can do, these are listed below:
- Import/export activity
- Different reactions other than like
- Edit a comment once posted
- Date and time stamp on comments
A list of feature request for the activity tab can be found on our features request board.
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